The Billionaire Alpha's Contract Lover (2025)

1. The Billionaire Alpha's Contract Lover by Caesar Erickson Book - AllNoveljr

  • The novel revolves around the protagonist, Taya, and her tumultuous relationship with the Alpha Griffon Knight. Their relationship started as a contract, but ...

  • Read The Billionaire Alpha’s Contract Lover by Caesar Erickson novel free online and read the book PDF free download at here.

2. The Billionaire Alpha's Contract Lover - Dreame

  • No sweet talk, no soft kisses. Just hunger, desire, se x. With me, he was always the animal. Always the coarse Alpha, never the cool, calm, and collected leader ...

  • Th e day I found out I was dying, Alpha Griffon Knight broke up with me. Our relationship was a contract, but when his true love came back, he didn’t need me anymore. He canceled our contract and told me to get lost. I thought that after five years, his frozen heart would thaw for me. How wrong I was. So I packed my things and left. Without telling him… I only had three months left to live.Griffon...

3. Chapter 50 - The Billionaire Alpha's Contract Lover - Novel Square

4. Hot Chapters of The Billionaire Alpha's Contract Lover by Caesar ...

  • 6 dec 2023 · The Billionaire Alpha's Contract Lover is a beautiful story of a young girl, Taya, who cheats death and who is torn between two Alphas who wish ...

  • Taya receives a double blow on a fatidic day. She learns that she only has three more months to live and her lover Griffon parts ways with her. But, as the man sees other men lurking around what once belonged to him, his Alpha nature claims the woman.

5. Chapter 1713 - The Billionaire Alpha's Contract Lover - Novel Square

  • Chapter 1715. Preston furrowed his brow and followed Griffon into the study, quickly taking a seat across from him at the desk. Griffon

  • Chapter 1715
    Preston furrowed his brow and followed Griffon into the study,
    quickly taking a seat across from him at the desk. Griffon
    opened a drawer and pulled out two envelopes, handing them to Preston.
    “If I don’t come back in a month, please give this letter to Taya.”
    The envelope was pink, and inside was a handwritten letter from him. Preston didn’t know what it

6. The Billionaire Contract Lover novel by Caesar Erickson PDF Read Online

  • The Billionaire Contract Lover novel summary: The day I found out I was dying, Alpha Griffon Knight broke up with me. Our relationship was a contract, but ...

  • Read The Billionaire Contract Lover PDF by Caesar Erickson Read Online on MoboReader. The Billionaire Contract Lover novel summary: The day I found out I was dying, Alpha Griffon Knight broke up with me. Our relationship was a contract, but when his true love came back, he didn’t need me anymore.

7. The Billionaire Alpha Contract Lover Chapter 11 - shattered Dignity

  • But he hadn't pegged Taya as a social climber who had her eyes set on Griffon to earn his love, only for her plan to backfire and earn his disdain instead.

  • Read Chapter 11 of The Billionaire Alpha Contract Lover Novel by ericksoncaesar5. Episode 11 ‘shattered Dignity’ story update online for free. As I kneeled, Khloe laughed with delight, while Preston frowned and the others looked on as if they were watching a show. Roman showed no emotion, only ambivalence. Only Griffon, leaning back against the sofa with one arm stretched across it and his legs spread wide, looked down at me with a smug look across his face. There was no...

8. The Billionaire Alpha's Contract Lover - Heartbreak and Secret Novel ...

  • Read Heartbreak and Secret of story The Billionaire Alpha's Contract Lover by Erickson Caesar online - Oh em gee, REALLY? Brielle's jaw hung open in shock.

  • Read Heartbreak and Secret of story The Billionaire Alpha's Contract Lover by Erickson Caesar online - Oh em gee, REALLY? Brielle’s jaw hung open in shock. S...

9. The Billionaire Alpha's Contract Lover - Season 2 Episode 43

  • The Billionaire Alpha's Contract Lover - Season 2 Episode 43 ... “Alpha, it's time to go.” Jackson was mesmerized by Taya. It was not until Camille coughed softly ...

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10. The Billionaire Alpha's Contract Lover by Caesar Erickson Chapter 1

  • 7 jun 2023 · The Billionaire Alpha's Contract Lover by Caesar Erickson Chapter 1 ... The day I found out I was dying, Alpha Griffon Knight broke up with me.

  • The Billionaire Alpha's Contract Lover by Caesar Erickson Chapter 1 The Billionaire Alpha's Contract Lover by Caesar Erickson Chapter 1

11. The Billionaire Alpha Contract Lover

  • The Billionaire Alpha Contract Lover. Erickson Caesar. 9.1. 1.1K reading. Introduction. The day I found out I was dying, Alpha Griffon Knight broke up with me.

  • The day I found out I was dying, Alpha Griffon Knight broke up with me. Our relationship was a contract, but when his true love came back, he didn’t need me anymore. He canceled our contract and told me to get lost. I thought that after five years, his frozen heart would thaw for me. How wrong I was. So I packed my things and left. Without telling him… I only had three months left to live.

12. The Billionaire Alpha's Contract Lover Novels Online Free PDF Download

  • The Billionaire Alpha's Contract Lover is a Billionaire novel, telling a story of The day I found out I was dying, Alpha Griffon Knight broke up with me.

  • The Billionaire Alpha's Contract Lover is a Billionaire novel, telling a story of The day I found out I was dying, Alpha Griffon Knight broke up with me. Our relationship was a contract, but when his true love came back, he didn’t need me anymore. He canceled our contract and told me to get lost. I thought that after five years, his frozen heart would thaw for me. How wrong I was ..., The Billionaire Alpha's Contract Lover PDF

The Billionaire Alpha's Contract Lover (2025)
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Author: Roderick King

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.