1. Blue light promotes ascorbate synthesis by deactivating the PAS ...
We also demonstrated that blue light counteracts the inhibition of the GDP-galactose phosphorylase by the PAS/LOV photoreceptor. This is a major finding because ...
The mechanism by which light stimulates the synthesis of ascorbate in plants involves a protein related to phototropins whose inhibitory action is represse
2. Virus transmission by ultrasonic scaler and its prevention by antiviral agent
The aim was to develop an experimental setup for testing the spread of viruses by ultrasonic scaler (USS) generated dental spray and evaluate its mitigation by ...
It is well recognized that dental procedures represent a potential way of infection transmission. With the COVID‐19 pandemic, the focus of dental procedure associated transmission has rapidly changed from bacteria to viruses. The aim was to develop ...
3. [PDF] GDP: Q1 FY21 Bracing for the aftershock
31 aug 2020 · With 1.8% inflation in terms of the GDP deflator, there was little difference between real and nominal GDP in FY21. With the exception of ...
See AlsoWhat Year Did Peb Open Their Ipo
4. Food Labelling - Tshwane Economic Development Agency
Ponceau 4R (E124), 'May have an adverse effect on activity and attention in ... R313 billion GVA (25% of Provincial GDP and 9% of National GDP). A GLOBAL ...
5. [PDF] Health at a Glance: Europe 2022
e123-e124, https://doi.org/10.2337/dc20-1347. [48]. Castanares-Zapatero ... Gross domestic product (GDP) is the sum of final consumption, gross capital ...
6. NICE guidance on long-term sickness and incapacity
... e124. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3399/bjgp11X561221. Mark Gabbay. MD, FRCGP. Roles ... (GDP) on public sickness absence benefits and 1.2% of GDP on disability ...
Long-term sickness absence and incapacity benefits (disability pension) rates have increased across industrialised countries. Effective measures are needed to support return to work. The recommendations of this guidance were informed by the most appropriate available evidence of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. Public health evidence was provided by research using a variety of study designs that attempted to determine the outcome of a particular intervention by evaluating status before and after the intervention had been effected, and was not limited to randomised control trials. Where the evidence base was depleted or underdeveloped, expert witnesses were called to give their opinion on the best available evidence and emerging interventions. The process enabled challenge and contestability from stakeholder groups at different points as the guidance was developed. Forty-five heterogeneous studies were included in the review of interventions to reduce long-term sickness absence and transitions from short-term to long-term absence (mainly covering the former and also mainly examining musculoskeletal conditions). The analysis of evidence was restricted to descriptive synthesis. Three general themes emerged from an analysis of the studies that were more likely to report positive results: early interventions; multidisciplinary approaches; and interventions with a workplace component. Two further reviews were undertaken, one on interventions to reduce the re-occurrence of sick...
7. DTZ - HKEXnews
25 nov 2013 · China became the second largest economy in the world in terms of GDP measured at real exchange rates in 2012. With a real GDP growth rate of 7.8 ...
8. [PDF] Economic Trend: A Quest of Development and Growth
18 jan 2018 · DOI: 10.4172/2168-9601.1000e124 ... For instance, in Bangladesh, private investment and GDP increased where as public investment gone down.